A Abrapp - Associação Brasileira das Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar - promove anualmente o maior evento do setor no mundo.
São 3 dias de intensa programação, incluindo palestras e apresentações com os maiores nomes da economia nacional e internacional. Recebendo um público de mais de 2.000 participantes, o evento já se tornou tradicional e obrigatório para profissionais de Fundos de Pensão.
São 3 dias de intensa programação, incluindo palestras e apresentações com os maiores nomes da economia nacional e internacional. Recebendo um público de mais de 2.000 participantes, o evento já se tornou tradicional e obrigatório para profissionais de Fundos de Pensão.
Abrapp - Brazilian Association of Closed Private Pension Entities - annually promotes the largest event in the sector in the world. An immersive experience of lectures and presentations with the biggest names in the national and international economy. With more than 2,000 participants, the event has already become a reference for pension professionals.
Abrapp - Brazilian Association of Closed Private Pension Entities - annually promotes the largest event in the sector in the world. An immersive experience of lectures and presentations with the biggest names in the national and international economy. With more than 2,000 participants, the event has already become a reference for pension professionals.
Abrapp - Brazilian Association of Closed Private Pension Entities - annually promotes the largest event in the sector in the world. An immersive experience of lectures and presentations with the biggest names in the national and international economy. With more than 2,000 participants, the event has already become a reference for pension professionals.